Sunday, August 7, 2016

Deathstroke Cubees

What the first Cubee below
should look like when completed
Comics fandom can be expensive; really, really expensive. From $3-$4 twice-monthly books, to $30 t-shirts, to $100+ mini statues, acquiring merchandise in honor of your favorite heroes and villains can really add up. But there is at least one option for those of us that are routinely strapped for cash: Cubees.

A Cubee is a form of papercraft  that seems to be the intersection of origami and Minecraft that offers the likenesses of hundreds, if not thousands of comics, movies, and tv characters as well as pro athletes and all manner of other pop culture icons. Cubees are a cheap craft in which one can easily pick out and print a Cubee on normal printer paper (or sturdier cardstock paper if your really serious), cut it out, fold it along the appropriate lines, and assemble it by sliding labeled tabs into corresponding slots to make your own inexpensive bit of fandom. Christopher Beaumont is the grand guru of Cubees and his site is the place to go to find out all about this unique bit of DIY fandom as well as a great place to find Cubee images to print. Another place to find great Cubees is to search "cubeecraft" at DeviantArt (

As a courtesy, I have already found a few Deathstroke Cubees, which appear below. All of the following Cubees were made using the basic template created by Christopher Beaumont. Remember, to get the full size image, open each Cubee into its own tab.

Deathstroke Cubee made by JagaMen

Deathstroke Cubee made by Bob The Egg 

Cubee of Slade from the Teen Titans animated series made by CyberDrone