Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Deathstroke File's 200th Post!

💀😀200th POST!!!😀💀

Today marks the 200th time that this blog has put out an original post! Now, I fully understand that that making blog posts is not a very large accomplishment in the grand scheme of things, but given some of the things I've endured over the last ten years, I have fully embraced the philosophy (which is backed up by psychological research) that celebrating all accomplishments, however small they may be, is not only good for one's overall well being, but it also serves as motivation to accomplish more things in the future. So... Yay, Deathstroke Files!!!

I'd like to thank anyone who has ever taken time out of their busy day to look at this little blog. Everyone has a life full of things like families, jobs, school, friends, etc. that require the majority of your time and attention, so to think that I put out some silly content on the internet that anyone would deem valuable enough to devote one iota of their precious time to consume is truly humbling. I started this blog on a lark to amuse myself and as a fun way to keep my writing skills sharp (By the way, I'm sorry about the myriad typos; I'm a one man operation and I can't catch everything), but as I see the number of daily viewers slowly increase over time, I'm grateful that others seem to be enjoying it as well.

I'm still thoroughly enjoying the process and challenge of putting out at least one original piece of Deathstroke-related content (with occasional off-brand posts) per day as well as holding down my dream job and being the best husband and dad I can be. I have plans for new posts and features that will be debuting in the coming months and I'll continue to spotlight the best comics, stories, merchandise, fan art, and...well all things Deathstroke. And as always, I'll continue to do it for the love of the character and the medium, not for page views or profits.

So, starting tomorrow, we're off to the next 200 posts. Thanks for being a part of it all.