Saturday, July 23, 2016

Deathstroke in 1992's DC Comics Cosmic Cards Trading Card Set

In the early 90s, comic book properties were showing up in all kinds of products. One of the coolest forms of comic book merchandise were trading cards. After Marvel launched successful card sets, DC released their own trading card set in 1992 from Impel called DC Comics Cosmic Cards. The Cosmic Card set consisted of 180 regular cards, which featured heroes, villains, DC Comic events, classic covers, and two checklist cards. In addition to the normal cards the set also contained 10 Hologram Hall of Fame chase cards. Deathstroke was featured prominently in this set in a number of ways.

First, lets take a look at the packaging. Batman was sadly missing from this set as his trading card rights were still held by Topps. However, featured prominently on the card pack wrappers are the usual suspects of Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and...Deathstroke? Yep. Check out the wrapper images below.

Deathstroke was also featured on two different versions of a normal card. His normal card was #44 in the set. Both sides of this card are shown below.

Oddly enough, Deathstroke also has an inadvertanat second normal card as there was a printing error on some cards in which the DC Q & A question was missing (See image below). 

But that wasn't all. Deathstroke was also featured on one of the ten Hologram Hall of Hame chase cards with card #DCH3. Both sides of this cards are shown below.