It took over two years too long, but this is the 100th post here on The Deathstroke Files! Woot! Woot! (Is "Woot! Woot!" still a thing? If not I'm bringing it back just for today!) After a self-imposed hiatus of nearly 26 months, due to a major shake-up in my professional life (albeit an incredibly positive one), I'm back to blogging.
My work-life has finally allowed me the free time to return to this thoroughly enjoyable leisure activity. I'm currently trying to return to the one post per day goal that I had when I started this endeavor, but that isn't set in stone because I want this to continue to be fun and not feel like a second job.
To that end, I'm never going to even try to monetize this blog. I want this to be a fun, possibly informative, but most importantly an ad-free place for anyone who digs Deathstroke to enjoy without the hassle of garbage content and commercial nonsense that currently makes the internet a minefield of intrusive, disrespectful corporate crap.
I want this to be a celebration of the characters, creators, stories, and fans of Deathstroke. I will continue to plug Deathstroke merch if I think it's cool. I will continue to promote works of Deathstroke art, from fans or professionals. I'll continue to examine and comment on different concepts and aspects of Deathstroke from all the far-flung corners of the Terminator's mythos that make us all fans in the first place.
Thank you for being fans. Thank you for viewing this blog. Here's to the next set of milestones for The Deathstroke Files.