Friday, September 2, 2016

Deathstroke and Friends (?) Micro-Heroes

You've all seen them and many of you have been ripping them off for years without receiving the double-secret permission of the specific "microteer" that created them. Micro-Heroes: The tiny .gif or .png files that feature your favorite heroes and villains have been around since 2001 and have resulted in thriving micro communities in France, Brazil, the U.S. and many other countries around the world. To learn more about Micro-Heroes and their history, visit the Micro-Heroes Wiki by clicking here.

It is easy to get started making micro-heroes. One just starts by downloading a micro-hero template, open it in Microsoft Paint or some other simple bitmap editor, find a piece of suitable reference art, and off you go. Once you've created you micro, there are any number of micro collection wikis and wikias out there for you to publish your works. But be warned, at times the micro-hero community can be very cliquish and less than welcoming to people deemed to be outsiders. Once you have deciphered their rules of conduct, which no one will explain to you until you've violated them, and conduct yourself in an acceptable manner, they are as welcoming as any online community.

In violation of said rules of conduct, I'm posting some Micro-Heroes related to Deathstroke without seeking permission to do so or without crediting their creators, not because I am being a disrespectful jerk, but because I honestly don't know to whom the credit goes. Somehow though, knowing this community, I think that those specific bits of info will be made known to me shortly.

Deathstroke the Terminator

Deathstroke 1st Blue Costume, Adeline Kane Wilson, Ravager (Grant Wilson)

Jericho (Joseph Wilson)

Ravager (Rose Wilson)

Robin I, Nightwing, Wonder Girl I

Kid Flash I, Changeling/Beast Boy, Cyborg

Starfire, Raven, Terra I

Wildebeest, Ravager (Bill Walsh), Ravager (Wade DeFarge)

Vigilante III 1st Costume, Vigilante III 2nd Costume, Gunfire