Friday, September 16, 2016

Deathstroke in 1994's SkyBox DC Stars Card Set

To paraphrase a classic line from Star Wars, "Walmart. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." Ok, Walmart may not be that bad, but then again many employees past and present beg to differ. Walmart sucks and 1994's SkyBox DC Stars Card Set is just one more reason why. It seems that Walmart wanted in on the comic book properties' highway to hell that was the comic book boom and crash of the 90s. But, they weren't just on the highway, they were in the Walmart exclusive merchandise lane of the highway.

Walmart wanted a DC Comics card set that would only be sold in their fine stores so they had SkyBox "create" the DC Stars Cards set. This Walmart exclusive set featured a whopping, count them, 45 cards. But the best part was that there was absolutely no original art commissioned for the cards. Skybox simply recycled artwork from the then only two-year-old DC Comics Cosmic Cards set as well as artwork from the three-ring binder formated Who's Who series from the early 90s. The results were just as worthless as one would imagine they would be. Deathstroke was unfortunately featured on card #30, which was made from recycled his Cosmic Cards artwork. All of Slade Wilson's Walmart exclusive trading card "glory" is pictured below.

The two Deathstroke cards juxtaposed here shows the retreaded artwork. The 1992 DC Cosmic Card on the left and the 1994 DC Stars Card on the right.

Deathstroke's DC Stars Cards card #30 front and back.