Friday, September 9, 2016

Why Pick Deathstroke For Affleck's Batman Movie? Because This!

I was talking to a young comics fan the other day who didn't understand why the internet was quote, "crapping their pants about Deathstroke," after the now famous Affleck Tweet. "That old guy from Arrow, right?" he asked. "That's pretty weak bro," he said. He hadn't played Arkham Origins, but had played Arkham Knight, which left him less than impressed with Mr. Wilson. I then showed him the same five images that I'm posting below from Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) #7, which he had never read before. After a literal double take, the young man simply responded with, "Dog, that's sick!" I don't know for sure, but I think that I (like Deathstroke) won.