Friday, March 15, 2019

Eaglemoss Publication's DC Chess Collection Set 2: The Justice League Deathstroke Black Pawn. (PAWN!?! WHAT THE...)

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Around the year 1475 CE, Chess, aka "the King's Game," transitioned from a regionally varying board game of turn-based strategy to the uniform version we recognize today. The game became the standard for peacefully demonstrating one's intelligence, command of strategic thinking, and cerebral dominance over a hapless opponent. Where it once was reserved for royalty and other elites, Chess has become available to people of all social classes with games and tournaments taking place in schools, public parks, community centers, and living rooms across the world.

Eaglemoss Publications created three unique Chess sets that star the heroes and villains of DC Comics. Set number two was the Justice League set depicting characters in their New 52 designs. Back row pieces were represented by usual suspects like Superman, Lex Luthor, Darkseid, and Wonder Woman. But figure #36, Deathstroke, was designated as a Black Pawn. While I object (not really) to Deathstroke's representation as a character created to simply be sacrificed, other heavyweights like Green Arrow, Supergirl, Black Manta, Shazam, and Brainiac are pawns as well, so I guess I'll get over it (done).

The Deathstroke Chess piece's product's description and image appear below.
Use Deathstroke Black Pawn in your quest for chess supremacy! The DC Chess Collection continues with the Justice League chess set which offers the comic fan and chess enthusiast alike the chance to collect fantastic and unique chess pieces, vivid representations of some of DC's greatest characters. Deathstroke Black Pawn is superbly rendered, cast from a specially formulated metallized resin and painted by expert model-makers. Deathstroke chess piece is accompanied by a fascinating 16-page magazine featuring superb DC Comics artwork plus vital chess tips for players of all levels. Continue your Justice League collection with Deathstroke Black Pawn! Ages 14 and up.

The Deathstroke #36 Black Pawn Chess Piece
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