Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lego Deathstroke by JustDKFilms!

I have complained in this blog before that I felt that Deathstroke was given short shrift in most of the official LEGO movies featuring DC Comics characters. Serving as either a background character or an inconsequential cameo, Deathstroke rarely gets his due as the legitimate badass he is. Well in 2018, the fine folk (yes, singular) at JustDKFilms rectified this situation. On February 10, 2918, JustDKFilms published Lego Deathstroke: A fan-made stop-motion animated brickfilm short starring Deathstroke in all his miniature plastic mercenary glory.

Though visually innocent at first (these are Legos after all), Lego Deathstroke wastes little time in bringing the bullets-and-blades action befitting the Terminator. Blood? Buckets! Death? Duh! Mercy? None! In about five minutes, Lego Deathstroke accomplishes that rarest of feats in that it is both brutal and funny. There is an Easter Egg in the form of an homage to Mick Zeck's classic cover to Deathstroke the Terminator (1991) #1, which is priceless but isn't too much to take away from the film as a whole. I won't spoil the ending, but needless to say that JustDKFilms definitely left me wanting more.

Check out the film in its entirety, which is posted below, as well as JustDKFilms other projects at this link. Enjoy!